Felicitări Tudor Sântoma
(6B) și Alexandra Iuoraș (8C) pentru curajul de a participa, de a aborda și personaliza
o temă atât de complexă și dificilă, pentru perseverența de a duce efortul până
la capăt și încăpățânarea de a scrie …și rescrie ceea ce simțiți!
Guns ‘n’ Roses
Tudor Sântoma, clasa a 6-a B
Every single person on earth has his/her own meaning in life. The differences between children and adults are not that many, but there is one difference that would change everything, if it did not exist: if life were a continuous battle (which it is, in a way!), adults would always fight for a price, but children would fight for their happiness and for fun and amazing experiences!
Our society would not exist without either of them. Imagine two separate planets: a planet full of children, and a planet full of adults. The planet of the children would be colourful and without worries, but it would be easily destroyed by aliens, or other more powerful enemies. The planet of the adults would be forever at war, a civil-war, and everything would end in a disaster. Children are their only hope, and the only thing that stops them from destroying all the beautiful work that God did to create us all.

would rather spend 100 hours to work for something that I really enjoy, than
one hour on something that I hate. Time is our most important resource on
earth, so why would we waste it on something that is meaningless? There are
only two things that you need to choose from: GUNS OR ROSES?